Lung Labours II

By Lamisse

Lung Fragment 1:

The lung is a map. The constriction is a message. Help lodged in trachea. The bronchial tree shakes. Alveoli tremble: they cannot inhale if they cannot exhale. Tar seeps through filling bronchiole tubes. Tunnels narrow. Collapse. Cilia singed, amputated antibodies and debilitated. No breath escapes. The heart tilts left. Indentation marks the compression spot. No breath escapes.

Lung Fragment 2:

Lung trapped by tears refused release > here the muscle ossifies in resistance to grief >

Holding lung hostage > encased in sinewed subjugation

Air bair makes it in > Air can barely espace

Each microscopic alveoli holds one tear > that’s 480 million swelling tears

Diaphragm braced for the punch > I long for a soft belly

My muscle is memorizing defense > my body a repetition of survival

Hear my laugh obliterate > I will brief the sun on how to rise

Hot breath panting, bellies jiggling

I long for a soft belly

I long

To breathe.

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